Look through the Thoughts of an Artist

Saturday, October 16, 2010

An interesting experiance

I was listening to the song "In no Piano" from the anime, Darker than Black, when an image came into my head.  It was a wolf, sitting down, staring at the camera, and the background is simply swirling snow.  The wolf had sad eyes, but it was stoic, and strong, even though there was sorrow to it.  The image was so strong, I had to draw it.  It turned out beautifully.  I was talking to my best friend, and he suggested that I look up dream meanings of wolves.  I did, and after reading many of them, found ones that made sense.  It was a desire of mine to stay pure in the face of a compromising, or dangerous situation.  It was also my respect for wolves, because of their dignity, and purity while they survive in a hostile world.  When I sat back and looked at it, it moved me to tears, in a good way.

Thanks for reading

Baldecus, Thoughts of an Artist

1 comment:

  1. Does this thing have a like button? :-) Wolves are awesome.
